Social Media Marketing
As likewise observed these past few years, marketing strategy trends are expected to continue to lean on the utilization of social media in 2021. Continuous mobile innovations have caused a dependency on these models for their portability and smart technology. With smartphones, several apps can be installed to manage your social media marketing strategies easily.
While social media apps generally make communication faster and easier, more features have been added. Online business is now a trend, typically using famous social media platforms. Some traditional businesses are even including an online alternative to attract more customers. The online advantage is the fast accessibility where entrepreneurs themselves can reply without delay with real-time communication via social media.
Social media updates can also help businesses keep track of the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. Pages and groups may be made for your business, and automated answers for queries may be programmed. Some applications also offer to push advertisements of your business page to their different app users for wide exposure. With such supportive features, marketing strategy trends this 2021 will focus on using social media as a platform to its highest potential.
Social Media Marketing Strategies
While marketing trends are expected to lean on social media this 2021, trends, as they are, are sure to bring more competition. Social media apps and social networking sites are becoming a popularized platform for startups and small businesses. Their features are available for free as long as you are a registered user of the app. It, then, becomes a highly recommended platform.
However, with so many businesses that are interested in the same features, competition is inevitable. Networking traffic is an enemy. Apps typically follow an advanced algorithm responsible for whatever comes out on a user’s feeds. Indeed, push notifications and the advertisements offered by these social media apps allow you to be seen online. But how?
In a social media business platform, not only showing up on people’s feeds is a challenge. One also needs an attractive display that will drive the user to commit to your page or post. To be remembered, and to be convincing enough, your page or post must be strikingly different. Equating to a physical store’s ambiance and interior design, online marketing will depend on visual design.
What is visual design?
Visual design is more than just an aesthetic. It is an analytical strategy. Focused on the typesetting, font choice, space, and the like, all of its elements are carefully threaded to ensure a striking impression that will make your audience look twice. It is your online business’s assurance to being remembered despite the tight competition. Worry not because visual design is your key to social media marketing this 2021!
Visual Design vs. Graphic Design
Graphic design and visual design are often confused with each other. Some believe they are the same or interchangeable. However, they only share similar qualities as being interdisciplinary of design.
Indeed, both are concerned with the arrangement of elements to effectively send a message across the audience. But note that they have key differences:
Graphic Design
Graphic design originated from traditional media and the arrangement of its elements. Gradually, with further advancements in technology, graphic design has branched out to cyber design. From layout, color choice, typesetting, and the like, all these are systematically arranged for readability. With readability as its emphasis, graphic design focuses on the content. It makes the message straight to the point and can be grasped in the shortest amount of time. The focus is on relaying the message, so unnecessary details are avoided. The overall design of graphic design leans on consistency to maximize readability.
Visual Design
While visual design also aims to make a point across, the message is centered on a product or service’s usability. The visual design arranges its elements that highlight a product or service’s benefits. It emphasizes on how unique your content can be among the others. Its nature, then, becomes a key element for social media marketing, further emphasizing trademark setting.
As of now, trends in online businesses entail pressure on social media marketing. To give your business a boost, visual design is the strategy you should focus on this 2021.
How can I use visual design as an effective social media marketing strategy?
Visual design is an aesthetic approach to functionality and usability. With a visual design, the elements are carefully arranged to focus on its usability and trademark setting. It basically guides an audience’s thoughts from a simple, “This is nice,” to a sure “I need this product/service.”
Usability in visual design is concerned with how a design or product can satisfy your needs. It is a psychologically convincing tactic that tugs on the audiences’ existing necessities to gain attention. While aesthetics are the attention grabbers, usability is more than grabbing one’s attention. It prolongs that attention enough to convert a user from a mere audience to a potential consumer. Since usability ensures a more direct and personal approach, audiences are subconsciously more inclined to your design.
In social media marketing, push notifications and advertisements will be rendered useless if your potential consumers just scroll away. Not just your co-online business, your competition also includes the other content on a user’s feeds.
The goal is to set an attractive advertisement and to hold on to their attention. To maximize your design, informational elements are analytically arranged to highlight on readability, functionality, and usability. With usability, visual design is a formulaic framework that will commit your audience’s attention to your post or advertisement.
Trademark setting
Usability is focused on the process of how visual designs are effective in marketing strategies. While it maximizes your product or service’s beneficial appeal, a trademark setting fortifies your identity as a business.
Surely, we all want loyal consumers or customers. One does not simply just want a single transaction with an individual. There is, of course, an unquestionable and underlying desire for a consumer’s loyalty and continuous patronage.
The goal of the visual design, then, shifts from prolonged attention to a striking, remembered impression. It focuses on the bigger picture of your design and what makes it stand out. After a first impression, commitment to more of your posts will be made possible with familiarity.
The choice of color, the overall aesthetic—all these will be your business identity. While you may have gained an audience once, how do you continue to appeal to them? Fast-paced, non-committed scrolling on feeds may make you invisible once again. But with a strong trademark, you are bound to subconsciously draw their interests to your content. To have a unique aesthetic among others, your audience becomes familiar with your trademark design and surely recognizes your content apart from everyone else’s. Ensuring a potential consumer’s commitment to your updates will be made possible with a trademark setting.
With the visual design’s nature and elements, your social media marketing will be ensured. If you don’t want to get left behind in the world of online business this 2021, focus on optimizing your contents’ visual design. Indeed, visual design is the best problem-solver as social media marketing has been trending for years now and, surely, for the next to come.
Want to know more about helpful strategies for your social media marketing? Contact us now at +1 (866) 777-8315.