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Case Study Life Snapshot®, Inc.

This project ensured that the online presence of Life Snapshot®, Inc. successfully reaches its mission and goal as a business and website

Industry: Life Insurance
Wonderwheels Automobiles social media platforms


Life Snapshot®, Inc. aims to assist individuals in protecting their assets through estate planning and storing critical documents for future use.

Life Snapshot®, Inc. simplifies the process of accessing information for insurance policies, estate planning, and other critical documents that families might need in times of emergencies. In the case of losing a loved one unexpectedly, Life Snapshot®, Inc. will come in and provide the information that was carefully stored through its safe and secure web application. As such, with Proweaver’s help, Life Snapshot®, Inc. needed to boost their online presence to reach as many people in need as possible through quality Social Media Management services.

Wonderwheels Automobiles logo

We strategically manage businesses' online platforms including social media sites while delivering excellent results

Wonderwheels Automobiles twitter platform

The Solution Through powerful Social Media Management, Life Snapshot®, Inc. can achieve its mission and reach as many people online as possible.

Having an established online presence for your business through social media platforms is vital if you want to widen your reach. That is what Life Snapshot®, Inc. needs. By partnering with Proweaver, Life Snapshot®, Inc. is able to strengthen their brand and maintain customer engagement, which means favorable outcomes for their business.

Wonderwheels Automobiles fb platform in desktop and mobile view

Results A business that rose above its competition. Through quick and powerful SMM strategies, Life Snapshot®, Inc. widened its reach all over social media and the World Wide Web.

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