It can be challenging for you to choose the right technology to use for your startup business. It is even more complicated if the technology you are pondering about is for developing a mobile application using React Native. You need to consider a lot of technological factors – even the behavior of your mobile user! Thorough research and proper weighing of the pros and cons can help you in making the right decision.
What to Consider When Choosing a Mobile App Development Framework
Before we consider which mobile framework is the best choice for your startup, you first have to learn what you should consider when making your choice. When it comes to the things you should examine before deciding on your mobile framework, there are four questions to ask yourself. These include:
How much does it cost?
Starting a mobile app project will cost you a hefty sum. You will need to pay the developer. The resources that are essential for the developer’s work will have to be counted on your expense, too.
How much time do you have before marketing your product?
If you have a lot of time, then good for you! However, it is still better if you can enter the market quickly.
Is a good developer available to provide the service you are looking for?
There are too many developers, but there are a few who can actually deliver the quality that you want. You need to hire or outsource an excellent developer to handle the development of your mobile app.
How will the development and maintenance go after launching?
You not only need to plan things before the launch, but you also have to consider what would happen after jumpstarting your mobile app. Will there be a developer to roll out improvements in the future? Will there be someone in your staff capable of maintaining the app?
After you have seriously considered these factors, you can then narrow down your options until you find the choice that suits your business best. One of the highly recommended mobile frameworks to have is React Native.
What Is React Native (RN)?
React Native is developed and maintained by the largest social networking site in the world – Facebook. It is an open-source mobile application framework that enables developers to build applications for UWP, iOS, Web, and Android with the use of the JavaScript library React to build user interfaces.
To elaborate, this framework is used to code cross-platform UI components with JavaScript and then bridging them to native codes. Once there, it will be converted to iOS and Android views. With RN, there is no need to develop an app separately for Android and iOS since the RN codes will be deployed to these two without any problems.
Benefits of Using React Native
This framework is indeed very appealing for mobile and web app developers. What exactly are the advantages that come with choosing React Native to develop an app for a business? Here are the top benefits that developers can take advantage of when using RN:
It offers cross-platform app development for you.
There is no need to write different codes for Android and iOS. You can basically use the same code for the two. With this, you can shorten the time needed to spend on developing the mobile app. Also, you don’t have to study other programming languages such as JAVA, C++, or Python since you only need to learn JavaScript to be able to code your mobile app.
It is a suitable choice when you have a tight budget.
Starting a business requires you to have sufficient funds to cover your operational expenses. As much as possible, you want to avoid unnecessary spendings. RN can help you develop an app faster, which means that your users can use the app within the shortest time possible. For business owners, this brings additional benefits as it also entails a shorter conversion time.
The UI is more responsive.
The process of creating the UI components for all platforms is simplified. The simplified code can make the UI components work seamlessly, making the UI more responsive than ever.
You can use simple codes to handle complex tasks.
The codes for React Native are straightforward, which makes it possible for simple codes to handle complex tasks. A suitable example of this is when you take advantage of the “Live Reload” feature of React Native mobile app developer. This feature will allow you to make changes to the code in real-time, even when the app is loading.
The maintenance of the app is easy.
Each task is intuitively coded into fragmented modules. These modules are then interfaced in their proper sequence in a comprehensible manner. Even without running through the code meticulously, the developer can understand the progression of the codes running the mobile app. Thus, you don’t have to hire a dedicated developer just for app maintenance. Even when you switch to a new developer, they should be able to quickly adapt and make modifications to your development process.
It has reusable UI components.
Given that the codes are in fragmented modules, the developer can use them where they are needed. There is no need to rewrite the same code and save it in another location just to run a task.
It has the same code for Android and iOS.
Basically, the foundation level programming of React Native is similar to that of Android and iOS. This straightforward approach makes your app easily adaptable to different mobile operating systems. The RN code can easily link and the native codes of the mobile operating systems.
It runs in a similar manner to a native app.
Since React Native is developed to interact with native apps easily, there is no question as to why RN works the same way as native apps. React Native is more efficient than any other framework.
There are already a lot of developers specializing in React Native.
JavaScript is one of the easiest programming languages to learn in the IT world. Even those who don’t specialize in IT can easily learn JavaScript. With a large group of people who know the language, it should not be that difficult for you to find people who know how to use React Native.
It provides reusable native apps.
React Native can extend and take advantage of your mobile’s native features. For example, your mobile app may need the use of a GPS. It should be easy for React Native to integrate a mobile phone’s GPS into its system.
These are some of the known benefits that a mobile app developer can enjoy when it comes to using React Native. It is for these reasons that the number of businesses using React Native in their app development is still growing. Even big companies are known to use this framework to help with their operations.
Successful Startups Using React Native
With all the benefits that React Native can offer, there is no wonder why many businesses have used this framework for their mobile apps. React Native already has a record to prove that it is useful for both small and large enterprises. Here are some of the successful business startups that are known to be using React Native:
- Discord
- Bloomberg
- Gyroscope
- Vogue
- Chop
- Skype
- Walmart
- Uber Eats
- Uber
- Townske
- Tesla
As you can see, RN has been adopted by numerous successful businesses on the Internet. With React Native service as a framework that allows cross-platform native application, the startup business can effectively combine the advantages of native and hybrid apps in one structure.
Are There Risks to Using React Native?
While React Native may be an exciting feature for those who aspire to have a fully functional business app, there are risks involved in using this particular framework. These risks, when not appropriately mitigated, can become the weakness of your developed app. You will have to consider these risks before you go ahead with using React Native. Here are the top risks that you should prepare for:
There is more work needed when you are using Android compared to iOS.
With how tricky Android is, you will be required to put more effort into developing Android UI components that are similar to that of your iOS UI components.
There is a higher risk of making a mistake.
Of course, if there is even a single mistake in the development of the app, it will negatively affect the latter’s performance. The best way to work around this risk is to hire experienced RN developers.
Depending on how big your business may become, React Native may cause problems in scalability.
Applications such as Instagram and Facebook may be enjoying the full benefits of the framework despite its scale. Unfortunately, there are other applications that may find RN unmaintainable. When the application developed becomes too heavy, React Native becomes incapable of supporting its processes. As such, switching to native development becomes their only option. However, as long as modern RN development techniques and good architecture are employed, the scalability issue can be circumvented.
Should You Look for an Alternative to React Native?
If you are not willing to take the risk with React Native, you may be thinking of finding an alternative. There has to be a couple of good ones in the market. However, before you actually decide to drop React Native and choose another framework, there are questions you have to ask yourself beforehand:
- Is security essential to your mobile app?
- Is it necessary to have the highest possible performance?
- Is your app supposed to work cross-platform?
- Will you need to use a phone’s hardware in your mobile app (i.e., camera, GPS, and microphone)?
- Do you want the user interface to be pixel-perfect?
- Do you want your app to handle complex tasks?
- Do you plan to do post-release maintenance?
- Should the app still work even when the user is offline?
It is natural to look for alternatives when you find the risks too much for you to handle. However, React Native is already the best of its kind – for now. Before you look for an alternative, consider the benefits of RN first and weigh them against the risks. With proper cost-benefit analysis, it won’t be difficult to make an informed decision.
To summarize, React Native is one of the most suitable options available if you are looking for a framework to help you create user-friendly and reliable UI components. One of the many advantages that this framework brings is its ability to work for both Android and iOS. Of course, the biggest obstacle you will face is the memory spacing when the app becomes too heavy. Otherwise, you can use React Native for mobile app development.
Regardless of what framework you plan to use, mobile app and web development should be a priority for your business. After all, it allows you to have more exposure and greater reach to your potential customers. If you want an agile approach to developing websites, Proweaver is here to help. Talk to one of our representatives, so we can start developing your website.